Opus Dei

Opus Dei translates to “Work of God”. It is an institution of the Catholic Church founded by St. Josemaría Escrivá on 2 October 1928. Its task is to spread the Christian message that everybody is called to holiness and that daily work and ordinary life are the normal way to achieve this.

Opus Dei stands as a pillar of the Christian identity and can be traced through the history of the church back to the early Christians. They were ordinary people who tried their best to consistently live their Christian commitments in the midst of their ordinary occupations, taking the Gospel message to all environments. This is what is meant by seeking sanctity in the mundane activities of the world, that is, trying to be like Jesus Christ, converting daily life into an occasion to love God and others for his sake.

Opus Dei and LBS
The founders of Pan-Atlantic University were inspired to begin this educational project by the teachings of St Josemaria Escrivá, the founder of Opus Dei. St Josemaria had taught that work well done was an important means of finding fulfilment in one’s life, a means of developing an ever closer friendship with God as well as helping one’s contemporaries find joy. In addition, St Josemaria had encouraged members of Opus Dei who wished to do so to come together with other citizens of their community to execute social projects where work done with the spirit of service can serve the needs of their communities. In such projects, Opus Dei enters into an agreement to provide suitable assistance to the organisation. For us at LBS, the Prelature of Opus Dei provides the spiritual and pastoral means necessary for the School to develop and sustain its Christian identity. The Prelature of Opus Dei takes responsibility for guaranteeing that all teaching, publishing and research activities in LBS are inspired by the Christian view of the person, the world and society, and seeks a coherent union between faith, thought and life. The Christian inspiration of Lagos Business School moves it to promote student participation in social activities aimed at service and teaches them to dedicate part of their time to those most in need. Through this, they gain consciousness of their responsibility to serve society with their future work.