Lagos Business School ranked among top 40 on 2020 Better World MBA ranking

Africa’s top provider of management education, Lagos Business School (LBS) has been ranked among top 40 business schools in Corporate Knights’ 2020 Better World MBA Ranking.

The Corporate Knights’ Better World MBA Ranking evaluates the degree to which business school programmes integrate sustainability knowledge and skills into business education. It also evaluates accredited MBA programmes for their commitment to sustainability, equipping future leaders not just to solve business issues, but also address pressing environmental and social concerns in a meaningful way.

For the 2020 ranking, Corporate Knights analysed 151 MBA programmes across the world, including those from business schools accredited by AMBA, AACSB or EQUIS and signatories to the United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Management Education (UN PRME). Lagos Business School is accredited by the AMBA, AACSB and has been a signatory to the UN PRME since 2011.

The programmes were evaluated across five key performance indicators: the number of sustainability-focused articles in peer-reviewed journals and citations, the number of core courses that incorporate sustainable development topics, research institutes and centres devoted to sustainable development issues and faculty gender and racial diversity in the business school.

According to the ranking, Lagos Business School’s full-time MBA programme is identified as one of the top in the world as it “instils a holistic purpose of business in future leaders, ensuring they are equipped with the skills, tools and values to build a more inclusive and prosperous society in synch with our natural world”.

CEO of Corporate Knights, Toby Heaps said, “Every MBA should be a sustainable MBA, and the Better World business schools are showing us how,”

Reacting to the recognition, the School’s Deputy Dean and the Director of LBS Sustainability Centre, Professor Chris Ogbechie said, “This is a positive affirmation that our conscious and consistent efforts to include sustainability knowledge in the curricula of all our programmes have not gone unnoticed.”

“Our mission, over the years, has been to develop responsible business leaders for Africa and the world. Our dedicated sustainability centre has also worked with businesses in different parts of the continent to provide solutions to critical sustainability challenges. This ranking further strengthens our resolve to preach the gospel of responsible and sustainable business practices in Africa.”

In a concluding statement, LBS Head of Corporate Communications, Aderayo Bankole, mentioned that the accolades, rankings and recognitions throughout 2020 are testaments to the constant drive for excellence at the business school. Bankole mentioned that earlier in the year, Lagos Business School emerged the only African business school on the 2020 Economist ranking for global MBAs, and that the School was also ranked as Africa’s number one provider of custom executive education by the Financial Times of London.

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