The Association of Africa Business Schools has announced Professor of Strategic Management and Dean of Lagos Business School as one of its three new board members.

In their recent publication titled “AABS Welcomes Three New Board Members,” the organization expressed, “AABS is pleased to announce three new Board Members as of June 2021. Bringing diverse and extensive knowledge from their fields of expertise, the new Board Members share in the mission of AABS in setting the standards of business and management education in Africa.”

Professor Ogbechie’s appointment to the board of AABS illustrates an outstanding reputation as a Business School leader in Africa. It also lends credence to Lagos Business School’s standing as a leading business school on the continent.

An exceptional academic, Prof Ogbechie teaches strategy, sustainability and corporate governance at the Lagos Business School with research interests covering strategy in turbulent environments, strategic leadership, board effectiveness, and corporate sustainability. He is also the founding Director of the School’s Sustainability Centre

The Lagos Business School Professor and Administrator will serve at the Africa Association of Business Schools alongside leading Business School leaders including Prof. Grafton Whyte who was elected AABS chair in June 2021; Mr. Jonathan Foster-Pedley, Dean and Director of Henley Business School, South Africa; and Prof Lyal White, Strategic Advisor to Higher Education International for Africa and new markets, Research Associate at the Brenthurst Foundation and Founder of Research and Advisory practice Contextual Intelligence.

Professor Ogbechie will, without a doubt, bring to bear decades of corporate and academic experience as he sits on the board of the AABS.