The Prelate’s Visit to the Lagoon School and the Lagos Business School five years ago

The Lagoon Secondary School was in a festive mood and all in splendid attires to welcome the Prelate, who was to preach, celebrate Mass, meet small groups of people, as well as have a general get-together with women of Opus Dei, cooperators and friends who participate in the means of formation on the 21st July 2018. The transition from one activity to the other afforded many a good opportunity to greet the Father even if only briefly.

The directors, lecturers and other members of staff of the Lagos Business School had invited the Prelate to come in the afternoon and also wanted to have a meeting with him. The Prelate praised them for their high educational standards in the world of business and entrepreneurship.

Besides, the Lagos Business School graciously made its auditorium available for a meeting Msgr. Ocáriz had with hundreds of young men and boys who try to take their Christian lives seriously and go to the means of formation in the centres of the Work in different parts of Nigeria. They had the opportunity of receiving encouragement in their faith directly from the Father.

Later on, in another centre of Opus Dei, the Prelate had time to stay with some families whose cheerful voices could be heard from all the rooms they occupied. Some had travelled hundreds of kilometres to see him.

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